Come Grow with Us!

Organic Gardens Across Metro Denver (2024)
Youth Engaged in Cultural, Environmental, and Nutritional Learning (2024)
Volunteer hours by over 2,500 active Volunteers (2024)
Volunteer hours by adults and students with disabilities (2024)


Jovial Concepts was founded in 2009 as a non-profit organization and a resource for community and stewardship. Since its inception, Jovial Concepts has built community through gardening, created access to diverse food forests, educated thousands of youth and families about the rich cultural history of our food and the human connection to the environment.

EIN: 27-1059850

A Little About Us

Our Programs

The Learning Page

New educational hub featuring classes on permaculture practices, cooking, gardening and more!

Jovial is piloting local education and training programs to help and improve our lands and growing systems through shared expertise and storytelling.


“The group of people you’ve gathered are so sweet and welcoming, it’s amazing. And the space is always clean and organized. The lessons are well put together, and I feel like there’s plenty of space for people like me, who know nothing about plants, to feel like we belong.”

Jovial Gardens Volunteer – July 7th, 2024

Jovial Gardens is one of Lakewood’s….

award-winning projects that showed us how partnerships and innovation can improve our access to local, healthy food, keep waste out of the landfill and spread environmental awareness.

City of Lakewood Sustainability Award Jovial Gardens

“Great knowledge base and friendly people. Communication was great. Explaining to the kids about the garden and the activities they really enjoyed, especially the butterflies. I really like the purpose of these community gardens and hope the concept continues to grow”

Girl Scout Troop Parent – Aug. 10th, 2024

My family participated in Jovial Gardens for two seasons! We were so happy to have access to affordable clean food.

Anna Froman Jovial Gardens 

Global Giving Projects

Weaver Creek Park

Connecting Individuals, Food, and the Environment. 

Support us in providing educational spaces for thousands of youth and their families each year. Support Jovial in growing food in backyards and in our food forest that will replace water heavy crops like grass with drought tolerant native food and medicine sources, that not only feed us, but our local pollinators as well.